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A lifestyle blog run by 7 passionate ladies to spread positive vibes into everyone's life

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  spread kindness
     “Sila tambah nilai” Oh damn, I didn’t have any money in my purse (due to the broken ATM) and my touch-n-go card didn’t have enough balance in it to ride a bus. Suddenly, the bus driver said “takpe la dik, naik je”, maybe the RapidKL bus driver noticed my suddenly-pale-and-panic face. That random act of kindness of the bus driver really made my day. This happened earlier this year and I still can’t believe he gave me a free bus ride till this very day.

One word, one action, one simple act of kindness can be more than you imagine.

     We, clique4yourself team, believe in random act of kindness. We believe if you do something nice to someone, they will take that act of kindness and spread it out. Our aim is to inspire others to practice kindness and pass it on.  

     On every Friday, clique4yourself team will do some random act of kindness to the people around us and share it here. Our main point is to spread kindness, not to show it off. Don’t be so quick to judge alright ;)

      Try this. If someone comes near to you and ask for some money, don’t hesitate to give them, maybe they need it more than us. Maybe they have not had their dinner or maybe they need some money to buy milk for their babies at home, you never know. Don’t think about where the money will be spent, it is about spreading kindness, not controlling how your kindness is used.

     We will also give you a collection of ideas that will help you do kindness every day of your life. We came up with our own hashtag #FridayForAllDo support us and please don’t hesitate to use this hashtag on your social medias (we would love to read your stories of kindness) and do leave a comment if you’ve done some random act of kindness to someone okay! Thank you in advance for spreading kindness.


“Wherever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference.” – Kevin Heath



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