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  Mini Facial
Hello beautiful readers,

Today, I want to share a very simple mini facial that everyone can do to pamper themselves after a long week. From my personal opinion, my skin looks glowing and brighter after trying this mini facial. So, why not give it a try right? ;) However, if you have sensitive skin, I wouldn't recommend this for you okay? 

Things you need:

  • Damp towel
  • Your facial wash
  • Uncooked oatmeal
  • Bowl with boil water / or face sauna
  • Fork
  • Tissue
  • Moisturizer
  • your favorite book to read!
  • Fruit    
For oily face: 6 strawberries
For dry face: 1 banana

things you will need

face sauna from Watson

Ready ladies? Okay!
  1.  Apply your facial wash for 1 minute before wiping with a clean, damp towel.
  2. Take uncooked oatmeal on your face and rub them in blob or round shape with 2 fingers each side. This will help to peel away those dead skin cells and clear blocked pores. Rinse with warm water.
  3. Set a bowl of boiled water. Off your fans because it’s your sauna time! Lean over the bowl and let the steam pass your face. This help to open up the pores on your face while also softening it.
  4. After a good 2-3 minutes, splash your face with warm water then pat dry.

  5. my pimple popper

  6.  (This step is optional) here, you can squeeze out your black pores or some white pores as they are more easy to come out now. I usually use the above tool, pimple popper :)

  7. as for me, i used strawberries!
  8.  Apply on your homemade fruit facial
Oily skin: slice to small bits of 6 strawberries with a fork and leave it on your face for 3 minutes
 Normal/dry skin : crush a peeled banana with a fork, and leave on your face for 5 minutes
      7.   Remove the fruits with tissue then rinse your face with warm water
      8.     Splash your face with cold water and pat dry

i used NV moisturizer
      9.   Lastly, massage your moisturizer to give that extra boost of complexion

If you don’t have any fruits , you can also use an egg. An egg has their natural protein to lift your face and give nutrients too. I personally use this method since a long time ago.

  1.           Crack the egg and break the shell into two parts to separate the yolk on an empty bowl
  2.       Use a fork to beat the yolk .
  3.       Take a small amount of yolk using a spoon or your fingers, and apply it on your face.
  4.        Let it dry for 20 minutes or less,then wash it with warm water.
  5.       Now take the remains of the egg,and beat it until bubbles are formed
  6.       Apply it on your face, and leave until 10 mins, then wash with cold water. Later pat dry and       you are done!

Once u get used to the amount of eggs u use, next time you can save other remains of the eggs to cook them okay?
That’s all for now, I hope you readers would try it!


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